PANTHEON™ business information system

PANTHEON is ERP business information system for fast-growing companies, with an emphasis on stability, advanced functionality and flexibility of the system. A wide variety of functionality enables that the system is used by everyone in the company, from management to procurement and accounting.
INT-Service offers its clients business consulting, prompt issuance of business reports, accounting planning and adjusts to the client’s needs and requirements for business analysts.

PANTHEON™ is a modern business information system for management, control and development of the company. PANTHEON™ is a stylish and reliable business program, created for e-century, which allows users to acquire and retain competitive advantages, which every user will be able to take full advantage after the implementation, and to make their business decisions based on the daily information that are accurate and up to date, covering all business segments.

In the business system PANTHEON™ all business processes for everyday business are supported; back office operations, related to the goods-material business and financial operations – receipt of the goods, inter-warehouse business, accounting and finance, calculation of VAT, travel orders, personnel records, payroll and simple and complex manufacturing.
Operating system PANTHEON™ includes Business Intelligence module making it possible to create managerial reports, analyzes and similar.
Since PANTHEON™ ERP is open source system that runs on MS SQL database; it can connect to other business systems with PANTHEON™ ERP as a central system for the business.


The quality of PANTHEON™ is confirmed with over 49,578 satisfied customers, but also with medals for excellence won on IT fair CeBIT in Hanover in 2008 and 2013.